iOS Printing with Chrome or Safari // iPad & iPhone Printing

With the today's increase of Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, and iPods in the business world, there needs to be a simple method for iOS printing on the go in a mobile environment. Luckily, we have found the easiest method for iOS printing. Creating a Web App, a web based iOS application, can fill your needs to take the information you want on the go & translate it to a printable format that can be understood by your iMZ320. Now that Mobi Print can be used as your iOS print utility to your iPad mobile printer all that is left is to create your document in a web based environment. The great thing about this kind of tool is that it generates the text you enter on the go and transforms it to a language that be printed to your iPad mobile printer or iPhone mobile printer in just one click. Finally with Mobi Print, ZPL and CPCL direct printing from Web apps and native iOS apps is now possible with just one click. This is a huge feature because now developers or users can be in control of what the printer prints before it hits Mobi, allowing Mobi Print to function as a true iOS Print utility. Check out our JavaScript library that takes input from fields and generates the CPCL code, and then also generates a Print button to send the code directly to Mobi Print. A web developer can just drop this into their environment now for an enterprise solution. This is really simple, neat and exciting tool that brings a whole new level to iOS printing.